Friday 28 January 2011

Glinting Silver and Ink In Art

I thought I was so clever when I came up with that title but of course this post is about piercings/tattoos/body modifications. 
I personally find them gorgeous, I did have snakebites but one of them flew out at a gig because I head-banged too hard and WHOOSH it flew out, as you can tell I was so not impressed by that. So now I have the one lip piercing and now scaffolding but separate piercings not the full bar yet, I have to wait till 4th March. 

My mum hates my piercings but it's weird how I love them so much, the pain is kind of a good feeling in a weird way? When I was getting my lip piercings I remember when the the piercer was talking to me after he had shoved the needles through my lip and as I was talking to him all I could see was these two things going up and down. Was definitely interesting I can tell you that. 

I was just wondering if anyone has seen this new thing called Scarification, I don't know how new it is but I will try and post a video link below. 

WARNING: Do NOT watch if freaked out by blood.
Clicky Clicky!

So that's about it for this post, so Byes Inklings